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Configuration file

You can add a configuration file to your project to specify the settings for the project.

The configuration file is a JSON file named .node-red-dxprc.json and should be placed in the root of the project.


You can also use another format like .node-red-dxprc.js or .node-red-dxprc.yaml. Behind the scenes, the package uses cosmiconfig to load the configuration file.

Here is the type of available values:

export type Config = {
  builder: {
    outputDir: string;
    esbuildControllerOptions?: {
      includeInBundle?: string[];
    tailwind?: {
      forcedClassesInclusion?: string[];
  watcher: {
    nodeRed: {
      enabled: boolean;
      path: string | undefined;
      url: string;


outputDir (string) - Default: dist

The directory where the built files will be placed.

esbuildControllerOptions (object) - Default: {}

includeInBundle (string[]) - Default: []

An array of packages to include in the bundle (not "HTML" part, only server-side). By default, all packages are excluded and resolved as external.

tailwind (object) - Default: {}

forcedClassesInclusion (string[]) - Default: []

An array of classes to include in the Tailwind CSS build. (even if not used in the HTML part)

Useful you need to add dynamic classes in your HTML part.



enabled (boolean) - Default: true

Enable the hot reload of the Node-RED instance.

path (string | undefined) - Default: ~/.node-red

The path to the Node-RED instance. If not specified, the default path is ~/.node-red.

url (string) - Default: http://localhost:1880

The URL of the Node-RED instance. If not specified, the default URL is http://localhost:1880.